I. U.S. CAPITOL POLICE EXPLANATION OF CHANGE TO ACCOMPANY SCHEDULE C SENATE ADJUSTMENTS TO BASE A. Mandatory Pay and Related Costs $2,787,000 1. Retirement System & Health Benefits $801,000 This represents agency contributions, estimated at approximately 27%. This is an increase of 1% over FY 94, and is due to the increased number of personnel covered under FERS and the increase in cost for health benefits. 2. Projected FY 95 COLA $528,000 Projected COLA is 2.6% or 1.95% for 9 month (Jan 95 The Capitol Police salary schedule includes longevity step increases of approximately $800 for each step. Longevity increases are awarded to employees each year for the first ten years, and every other year thereafter, until they reach 17 years of service. Civilian employees receive longevity increases according to the House Employee Pay Schedule. The cost associated with rank adjustments are for salary increases given for PFC (30 months satisfactory service) and the salary increases given for Private with Training (successful completion of recruit training). Also, longevities associated with the Civilian Pay Schedule. 4. Full Funding - $106,000 Funds necessary to fill the vacancies carried during 5. Locality Increase $1,098,000 Increase requested to provide USCP personnel with a geographical increase comparable to what other area This increase is requested to cover the increased hourly rate of earning, programmed administrative changes (fourhour rule) in the payment of overtime, and to fully fund the actual cost of overtime expenses. The Capitol Police have been underfunded for overtime cost for the past several years. - $194,000 a. New Positions (5) 1994. |