19 accomplished without an increase in the cost of paper. The JCP is also making available a new 100 percent recycled, 50 percent post consumer waste content paper for use in copy machines and duplicators. This new paper is expected to cost less than the virgin fiber paper now widely utilized by Federal agencies. During FY-93, GPO continued using newsprint with 100 percent post-consumer fiber content. This newsprint is used to print the Congressional Record and the Federal Register. This paper has posed no production problems and provides a 4.6 percent savings over the previous virgin newsprint used. The Joint Committee recently directed GPO to exercise the second and final contract extension that will provide newsprint for calendar year 1994 without any increase in price. 3. Passport Paper Working closely with the Department of State and the Government Printing Office, JCP has successfully initiated a 5-year contract for a new passport paper. This new passport paper contains several new and unique devices to provide a much higher level of security for America's passports. The contract was competitively bid with significant competition and as a result a very competitive price was obtained. The State Department plans to issue a new passport format using this security paper beginning in early 1994. 20 Comparison between the Joint Committee's Budget The Joint Committee on Printing's Fiscal Year 1995 budget request of $1,380,000 is a $36,000 (2.7%) increase over FY 1994, but $11,000 less than the FY 1993 appropriation. The projected increase is comprised of the anticipated 2.6% COLA to be granted in January 1995, with a subsequent $30,000 rise in personnel compensation and agency benefits. The remaining $6,000 of this increase is requested for administrative expenses. The Joint Committee internally reduced this category by $12,000 in FY 1994 in order to partially compensate for a shortfall it has experienced in its agency contributions for the past two years. The Joint Committee on Printing is proud of the actions it has taken during the past year in its efforts to monitor the printing and publishing activities of the Federal Government and to ensure that the public retains its right of access to the information it has created. The Congress will continue to debate during 1994, what if any jurisdictional changes should be made to the Government's printing policies, the role of the Government Printing Office and the existence of this Committee, but until these legislative decisions are made, this Committee and its staff will continue to discharge its responsibilities in a vigorous way. With these thoughts in mind, I respectfully request your favorable consideration of the Joint Committee's budget submission for Fiscal Year 1995. : Sincerely, Wendell H. Ford Schedule A Joint Committee on Printing |