COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS WILLIAM H. NATCHER, Kentucky, Chairman JOHN P. MURTHA, Pennsylvania VIC FAZIO, California W. G. (BILL) HEFNER, North Carolina STENY H. HOYER, Maryland BOB CARR, Michigan RICHARD J. DURBIN, Illinois ALAN B. MOLLOHAN, West Virginia JIM CHAPMAN, Texas MARCY KAPTUR, Ohio DAVID E. SKAGGS, Colorado PETER J. VISCLOSKY, Indiana ROSA L. DELAURO, Connecticut JAMES P. MORAN, Virginia DOUGLAS "PETE" PETERSON, Florida JOHN W. OLVER, Massachusetts ED PASTOR, Arizona CARRIE MEEK, Florida JOSEPH M. McDADE, Pennsylvania JOHN T. MYERS, Indiana FRANK R. WOLF, Virginia DEAN A. GALLO, New Jersey RON PACKARD, California DAVID L. HOBSON, Ohio ERNEST JIM ISTOOK, Oklahoma FREDERICK G. MOHRMAN, Clerk and Staff Director CONTENTS Comparative statement of new budget (obligational) authority for 1994 and the budget estimates for 1995 TITLE I-CONGRESSIONAL OPERATIONS Salaries and expenses House leadership offices Members' clerk hire HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Committee employees (standing committees) Committee on the Budget (studies) Standing Committees, Special and Select House Information Systems Allowances and expenses Committee on Appropriations (studies and investigations) Salaries, officers and employees JOINT ITEMS Page 1 19 22 45 49 53 57 61 129 168 172 176 Summary tables Salaries and expenses Copyright Office, salaries and expenses Books for the blind and physically handicapped, salaries and expenses Furniture and furnishings Administrative provisions Reimbursable programs Service fee accounts-revolving 793 833 845 953 997 1016 1026 1028 1037 772 1049 1073 1098 1122 GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF NEW BUDGET (OBLIGATIONAL) AUTHORITY FOR 1994 AND THE BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR 1995 [Excludes Senate Items and Items under Architect of the Capitol for the Senate] Total, House leadership offices.... Member's' Clerk Hire 5,871,000 6,573,000 +702,000 Committee on the Budget (Studies) Salaries and expenses..... .... 70,445,000 78,301,000 +7,856,000 389,000 401,000 +12,000 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF NEW BUDGET (OBLIGATIONAL) AUTHORITY FOR 1994 AND THE BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR 1995-Continued [Excludes Senate Items and Items under Architect of the Capitol for the Senate) 115,314,000 52,662,000 58,749,000 +6,087,000 ........ 22,894,000 +9,000 -6,420,000 +1,908,000 16,474,000 +1,917,000 Supplies, materials, administrative costs and Federal tort claims....... Furniture and furnishings... Stenographic reporting of committee hearings........ Reemployed annuitants reimbursements....... Government contributions.... |