HOUSE RESTAURANT Biweekly Payroll (300 employees) Inventory (3,000 items) Ledger System (400 accounts) Invoices (3,000 per month) OTHER OFFICES Beauty Shop Inventory & Accounting (1,000 items) Carpool/Rider Matching (639 matches) LOBBY ACT SYSTEMS Lobbyists Tracking (17,488 lobbyists/transactions) PAGE SCHOOL Student Information (90 students) Teacher Matrix (17 items) Class Information (17 classes) SERGEANT AT ARMS Member Payroll Optional Deductions (135 Member records) Thrift Savings Plan (4,320 Member records) Treasury Checks (9,600 checks) FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE SYSTEM Reports (3,000 submitted) Member Disclosures (440 Members) B-7 SPECIALIZED COMMITTEE APPLICATIONS COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE Tobacco Imports System COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES Classified Document Tracking System Hollinger Box System COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND COMMERCE Collagen Tracking System COMMITTEE ON VETERANS' AFFAIRS OFFICE OF FAIR EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE, SPACE & TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE ON STANDARDS OF OFFICIAL CONDUCT Financial Disclosure System COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS Committee Calendar Supplemental Support System HUMAN RIGHTS CAUCUS Casework Tracking System CENTRAL PROCESSING FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SYSTEMS Payroll Checks (45,188 generated) Payroll EFTs (121,257 processed) State & Federal Tax Checks (516 generated) House Employees (16,919 during year, 11,633 per month) OFFICE EQUIPMENT SYSTEM House-owned Equipment (114,925 items) Leased Equipment (351 items) Disposals (11,358 items) Trade-ins Processed (1,005 items) Acquisitions (20,277 items) Service Call Invoices (871 invoices) Maintenance Contract Invoices (23,104 invoices) Revenues Charged ($23,350,035) Stock Items (1,052 parts) In-House Repairs (1,444 repairs) Vendor Repairs (1,183 repairs) Purchase Orders (2,008 orders) Payment Vouchers (2,008 vouchers) Approved List Changes (3,980 modifications) Legislative Information Management Systems (LIMS) LIMS (15 applications, 386,696 records/year) ISIS Data Transfer (257,572 records) House Votes (1,784 votes) House Legislative Calendar (2,600 copies printed each Cong. day) Legislative Activity Guide (500 copies, 350 pages each) Congressional Record page references; 106,976 House Actions processed) Member Profiles (1,760 total, 4 editions yearly, 1 per Member) Reports Due to Congress (2,000 copies book/year, daily issues) Department of Office Furnishings Furniture Tracking (123,956 items) Building Supplies (3,160 items) Service Requests (28,864 requests) Disposals (6,698 items) DATA COMMUNICATION NETWORKS House SNA Network (2,917 connections) House Ethernet Network (2,486 connections) House Wide Area Network (200 connections) House LAN/WAN Network (14 connections) House FDDI Backbone Network (184 connections) Kermit Software (69 House office installations) Member Office Moves (334 offices, 111 new installs) MEMBER AND COMMITTEE OFFICE SYSTEMS MICROMIN Totals (263 sites, 156 offices) Member offices (129 offices) Member Washington offices (113 sites) Member District offices (123 sites) Committees (21 sites) House Support offices (6 sites) ISIS House offices (202 offices) House users (2,293 users) ELECTRONIC MAIL House (192 Members, 59 committees, 8 Support offices) OFFICE AUTOMATION ASSISTANCE EASTERN EUROPE (9 Legislatures, 3 system designs, 12 RFPS, 32 contracts) |