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Information Resource Systems provides, maintains, and supports shareable information and information processing solutions for all House offices. Specifically, IRS is responsible for the development, operation, and support of the Member Information Network (MIN), the new Integrated Services and Information System (ISIS), Electronic Mail, and manages and supports House use of the Internet.

IRS is also responsible for designing and implementing the House's Internet Information Server. The Information Server will provide for public access to House specific information, such as the Congressional Record, Text of Legislation, Legislative Status, and Directory. Moreover, IRS will support implementation of House bulletin boards, forums, discussion groups, and electronic town meetings.

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Administrative Systems (AS)

provides the computer systems, services and support required for the legislative and business processes of the House and, thus, is responsible for all systems, products, and services provided specifically for House Officers and support offices and maintains databases used for information retrieval throughout the House.

AS activities range from supporting very large mainframe-based online transaction processing and record-keeping systems to PC LAN-based client/server applications for specialized processes using development software such as Advanced Revelation, FoxPro, and Visual Basic. In addition, AS provides leadership for all House offices in the areas of document image management, CD-ROM, multimedia and barcode technologies.

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COMPUTER CENTER. The Computer Center (CC) is responsible for and manages all central computer support and services required by H.I.S.'s customers and the H.I.S. divisions. CC manages all mainframe time-sharing services provided to Legislative Branch customers. CC provides and maintains a full-service 24 hours, seven days per week central computing environment including hardware, software, and support services for all centrally operated applications.

CC promotes the efficiency of the systems, services and applications it supports by setting standards and conventions for the use of shared facilities, management of facilities' usage, and evaluation and adoption of advanced technology. CC provides and maintains all mainframe-resident software, as well as centrally located software on multiple and distributed platforms.

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Communication Services (CS) provides data communication capabilities for House offices in response to requests and requirements presented by House offices and H.I.S. divisions. CS is responsible for designing, implementing, operating, and managing all data communication facilities required by House offices, both in Washington and across the nation. CS is responsible for establishing and maintaining an efficient data communication architecture for the entire House. Communication service is currently provided to over 400 Member offices, 21 committee offices, and 24 House Support offices.

CS provides advice and support to H.I.S. and vendor application developers, and sets standards and conventions for communication interfaces and systems interoperability.

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The baseline services and operations provided by H.I.S. are enumerated below in outline format. The intent is to portray the breadth and depth of the House information technology infrastructure provided by H.I.S. FY 93 activity levels are used. Except for the Broadband Cable Network and training for Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) users, which are being phased out, activity volumes are expected to grow throughout FY 94 and FY 95.




Troubleshooting Assistance (22,412 requests)
Application Help (12,477 problems)
Training Scheduling (7,964 calls)

District Support (4,068 requests)


Getting Started (116 classes, 656 students)

Federal Funding (23 classes, 49 students)

Legislative Services (34 classes, 98 students)

MicroMIN (136 classes, 379 students)

CMS (64 classes, 232 students)

Casework (19 classes, 27 students)

Scheduling (19 classes, 48 students)

Accounting/Balance Sheet (20 classes, 33 students)

Congressional Quarterly (5 classes, 5 students)

Bulletin Bd./Tracking/MIN-Mail/Meeting (7 classes, 7 students)
Office Automation (11 classes, 9 students)

ISIS (63 Members, 12 committees, 4 other, 499 total students)
ISIS-AREV/MAC (14 classes, 51 students)

ISIS-JAM (26 classes, 98 students)

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