The chart on the opposite page shows the breakdown between appropriations and reimbursements since FY 92. COMPARISON OF FY 94 AND FY 95 BUDGETS To reduce the FY 94 operating budget to the estimated funding level of $19,875,000, it is necessary to defer indefinitely $1,713,000 in planned FY 94 expenditures, and to postpone $1,297,000 until FY 95. The delayed FY 94 items are important but not as time critical as those items which are essential for the completion of current commitment in progress. As shown on the chart on page 2, the cost of those postponed items of $1,297,000, is augmented by another $1,722,000 for expected growth in workload ($872,000), price level increases ($178,000) and mandatory changes ($672,000). A more detailed breakdown by object class follows in the next two charts, which demonstrate how the changes in the FY 94 budget affect the FY 95 budget plan. The first chart compares the authorized and revised operating budget for FY 94, splitting the reduction into two columns, one showing amounts for activities delayed indefinitely and another with those postponed to FY 95. The second chart starts with the FY 95 current services base, carries forward the amounts postponed from FY 94, and adds the column for FY 95 growth, showing the net increase and the resulting FY 95 budget request. ANALYSIS BY OBJECT CLASS. Salaries The FY 95 total is $13,959,000, an increase of $826,000 (6.3%) over the revised FY 94 operating budget. The increase covers mandatory changes (annualization of 1994 locality pay, 1995 Employment Cost Index adjustment ("COLA"), 1995 Locality Pay adjustment), and meritorious pay adjustments postponed from FY 94. No increase in staff is requested. Staff Support Staff support includes training, travel, telephone, and technical publications. The increase in staff support is a result of higher costs associated with travel to Members' district offices for installation of software and training, and technical documentation, hardware, and software for system development staff. Additional funds are requested for training H.I.S. staff who will be transferred from technical and administrative functions to customer service positions. Rental & Maintenance New in FY 95 are the increases amounting to $116,000 in mainframe hardware rental and maintenance costs. As the mainframe central computer is over one year old, the warranty has expired and maintenance must be purchased. Also, $100,000 in software rental and maintenance will be needed for increases in vendor fees. These two items account for 43% of the $498,000 increase. The remaining increase, totaling $282,000, stems from items postponed from FY 94, principally for the expanded baseline of equipment and software required to support E-Mail, CD-ROM, ISIS, Network operations and management, Internet access, color copying, and graphics for Members and committees, as well as security and anti-virus software. Purchase The amount proposed ($2,756,000) tracks closely with the amount ($2,509,000) identified as capital investment. The base amount, $1,295,000, will pay for recurring purchase requirements, such as supplies and replacement and upgrading of |