A major enhancement was made to OTS telephone statements so that monthly and year-to-date usage is now summarized on the last page in an easy-to-read format that depicts the percentage of change in telephone usage from month to month. Several new calling plans for OTS were implemented during the year. MCI charges and AT&T local carrier charges, such as operator assisted and directory assistance charges for long distance cellular calls, were added to the monthly statements. OTS began marking all telephone lines used for Facsimile (FAX), and this information now is being transferred each week from the MONIES system to the ADABAS directory system, along with the other telephone lines for each office. Through the Directory file, it is possible to see the FAX number for an office. In addition, a new, more flexible, "user-friendly" method was developed for allowing selection and requesting of reports and jobs. Technical requirements and assistance were provided for issuance of a Request for Quotation (RFQ) for dedicated line service and with data wiring requirements for the Cannon building renovation. GPO. Software was written to permit transfer of files between GPO and H.I.S. H.I.S. assisted with verification that file transfers using the GPO translation table result in a usable file for creating the Congressional Calendar. Batch requirements were completed for the electronic transfer of the Calendar file. GPO will be connected to CAPNET during FY 94. Work continued with GPO on establishing Standard Generalized Markup Language as the text publishing standard. EASTERN EUROPE. As part of the House Special Task Force on the Development of Parliamentary Institutions in Eastern Europe, H. I.S. provided technical consulting services to the legislatures of Albania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Slovakia. H.I.S. has been instrumental in helping these legislatures procure and implement communication and office automation technology. On behalf of these new democracies, H.I.S. staff have completed three system designs, published 12 RFPs, and awarded 32 contracts. FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/VISITORS. During FY 93, H.I.S. hosted presentations and provided Computer Center tours for over 30 foreign dignitaries and Congressional visitors. APPENDIX D HOUSE INFORMATION SYSTEMS GLOSSARY OF TERMS Advanced Revelation (AREV): A PC-based database management system used as the basis for the H.I.S. MicroMIN system. Asynchronous Services Network (ASN): A House-wide Ethernet network built to provide access from terminals in offices to other services, principally the H.I.S. mainframe. Connections are typically made using H.I.S.-supplied terminal servers. Backbone Network: The House-wide networks that interconnect office Local Area Networks and systems. Bus Interface Unit (BIU): Communications device installed by H.I.S. that provides direct access to H.I.S. mainframe services via the House broadband cable system. (This technology is being replaced by the ASN.) CBR-Express: A commercial artificial intelligence application used in automating help-desk functions. Citrix Box: A communications device being used to improve performance in networking Washington and district MicroMIN systems. Compact Disk/Read Only Memory (CD-ROM): A high capacity medium for storing and retrieving information. Data Administration: The task of planning, coordinating and managing the data resources of an organization. DataBase Administration: Administration of a database(s) including: media recovery, performance, maintenance, data dictionary, security definitions, vendor contact, and problem resolution. DataBase Management: A software tool that facilitates the storage and manipulation of data collected into interrelated files. Desktop Publishing (DTP): The use of personal computers and page layout software to integrate word processing text and graphics on pages to produce camera ready copy. Direct Access Storage Device (DASD): Magnetic disk storage which can be accessed randomly at a speed much faster than tape and requires no operator intervention. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI): The electronic exchange of business transaction data between organizations in lieu of paper documents. Electronic Mail (E-Mail): computers and networks. Sending and receiving messages via Encryption: A method to render plain text unintelligible for those who do not have the proper key(s) to access it. Ethernet: A local area network technology for offices, buildings and small campuses which transports data between computers at a high rate. Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI): A high speed (10 times faster than Ethernet) fiber optic transmission technology. Used in the House for backbone networks and in the CAPNET network to interconnect the Legislative Branch organizations. FileMaker: Macintosh computer software designed for management and manipulation of files. Frame Relay: A high-speed data transmission technology for moving data between distant computers. H.I.S. uses this technology for its LAN/WAN service interconnecting MicroMIN LANS in Washington and districts. Integrated Systems and Information Services (ISIS): The H.I.S.designed system that seamlessly links office systems and central H.I.S. systems and databases to provide sophisticated integrated information services. Internet: The global network of networks. There are two levels of Internet facility; (1) its communication facilities allow people to exchange E-Mail messages, and participate in news groups, discussion forums, etc. and; (2) its information archives and computing resources allow sharing of data and facilities. The U.S. Internet usually refers to the interconnection of university networks using the TCP/IP communications protocol providing such service as electronic computers, database access, etc. The Internet is connected to the Bitnet and to NREN. Future Internet services will include audio and video transmission and multimedia communications. Just Another Menu (JAM): The commercial client software system used to provide ISIS access for low-end PC and Macintosh users and for UNIX-based office system users. Kermit: Personal computer communications software. Laser Printer: Printing device which uses laser (light beam) technology and features high-speed printing. Legislative Information and Status System (LEGIS): Supported by the Office of the Clerk, provides summary information on the substance and current status of all bills, resolutions, and Floor amendments introduced in both the House and the Senate beginning with the Ninety-third Congress. Legislative Information Management Systems (LIMS): A comprehensive well-integrated group of legislative databases utilizing the ADABAS database management system that accepts information from and also provides information to other systems. Local Area Network (LAN): A network usually connecting desktop computers (PCs and Macintoshes) with each other and with other "server" computers. MicroMIN and Falcon's Keep-in-Touch system are examples of systems which use LANs. Local Area Network/Wide Area Network (LAN/WAN): (See Frame LOTUS 1-2-3: A microcomputer-based software program that integrates spreadsheets and graphics and is the foundation of the H.I.S. Official Expenses and Clerk Hire systems. Macintosh (MAC): A popular desktop microcomputer from Apple. MAC Correspondence Management System: A Macintosh microcomputerbased office automation system designed primarily for Members. MAC Member Accounting System (Official Expenses): Personal computer software applications developed by H.I.S. that allows offices to track their official expenses. Expenditures can be easily categorized by budget category and location so that funds can be allocated, budgeted, and expended by Congress each session. Mainframe: A computer that is physically large, much more expensive than microcomputers or minicomputers, and provides the capability to run applications requiring large amounts of data storage (e.g., for a large-scale payroll system). Member Accounting System: A microcomputer software package designed by H.I.S. using Lotus 1-2-3 which includes compiling, tracking, and submission of Official Expenses and Clerk Hire forms to the House Finance Office. Member Information Network (M.I.N.): H.I.S.'s mainframe-based omnibus retrieval and central application services consisting of over 80 databases and a variety of shared and common applications for all House offices. Microcomputer: A microprocessor consisting of input/output and logic capabilities. Examples used in the House are IBM, IBMcompatibles, and Apple computers. MicroMIN: An office system developed by H.I.S. primarily for Members that provides integrated functions for correspondence management, office accounting, scheduling, and communications. Runs either stand-alone or on a PC LAN. Microsoft Word: Macintosh word processing software. MicroVAX II computer: A minicomputer used in a number of committees. Multimedia: Integrating different forms of information (e.g., data, voice, image) into one database. Network Access Communications Server (NACS): Communications interface offering increased speed and reliability using the broadband network. National Change of Address (NCOA): A database supplied by the U.S. Postal Service used in conjunction with commercial software used to purify Member name and address lists. Novell Netware: House approved network operating software for personal computer local area networks. Optical Disk Storage (CD-ROM): An electronic image storage technology the allows storage and access to massive volumes of data via in-office workstations and House office access to large databases on-line, such as the U.S. Code. PageMaker: PC-based desktop publishing software. Personal Computers (PC's): Microcomputer technology used to describe IBM and IBM-compatibles and also used interchangeably with the term microcomputer. Public Data Network (PDN) : Data networks established and operated by communication common carriers with distributed communication nodes to permit national and international access to multiple computer systems. Robotics: The automated mechanical act of performing some job function (e.g., loading tapes) now done by personnel. Routers: A special-purpose computer used to connect networks and route data transmissions. |