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office to use the upper lower case agency name in the Directory, allowing the input of the same agency name on multiple bills on the same data entry screen.

A data entry system to correct Senate Amendment status was completed for LEGIS office staff. In the past, if the Senate failed to send a correction, there was no capability to correct the amendments transmitted to the House from the Senate. An additional section was added to LIMDOCS and the Stairs retrieval system that contains the report numbers for "Reported Measures." The information in this section contains the committee name; the date reported; and the report number, with part number, if applicable.

Enhancements requested by the LEGIS office to the LIMS Committee Action Reporting System subsystem were completed. New programs were developed to process a Subcommittee Forwarded Measure to Committee and a Committee Ordered to Report Measure. Member vote information was added to the committee records containing Motions to Report a Bill when the motion failed. The following enhancements were also included in the above request: an option was added to the Prior to Introduction and Referral actions, and the text of the action was reworded for use in the LIMS system; the ability to enter multiple subcommittee referrals to the same bill on the same day and also to enter multiple bills referred to the same subcommittee on the same day was provided; CARS programs were modified to make a change requested by the LEGIS office that will enable them to scroll more than one page to look at a list of Executive Agency Names; and the Directory system now has all of the agency names should it be necessary to verify the correct entry before entering these names in the LIMS databases.

Member Profiles report software was modified to download House bills and those Senate bills that supersede House bills. As a result, the time to generate the Member profiles database has been reduced by 40 percent. Printing of Member Profiles was converted from the IBM 3800 printer.

RECORDS AND REGISTRATION. H.I.S. staff provided analysis of and recommendations for a configuration to upgrade FileNet workstations with PCs and a plan to rewrite the WorkFlo (w) software to include enhancements and compatibility with PCs.

OFFICE OF POSTAL OPERATIONS. H.I.S. staff completed documentation for, trained, and provided access to 25 employees on the enhanced Label System. A Personnel system was installed, security systems were added, and new reports were developed. Mail accountability was modified to include archiving, multiple year access, and new reports. The data import program was modified to accept changes in the source data from the Jetstar Mail Machine. Over 500 support calls were resolved, including a long-standing file server/network problem, and the office was

moved to the FDDI backbone.

PAP-11 documents were converted to WordPerfect, and the PAP-11 computer was removed. The office was assisted with CD-ROM technology for printing barcodes, and the Address Correction/Postage Due system was modified to reflect changes concerning redistricting.

OFFICE OF THE DOORKEEPER. H.I.S. modified the House Doorkeeper's 3602 System to improve performance.

PRESS GALLERY. Input Solutions, Inc. installed imaging equipment and trained users on system operations. The system scans and stores historical information from periodicals, newspapers, and the House Activity Gallery Log system as it pertains to specific bills and selected topics. It can be retrieved at imaging workstations for review by House staff and journalists.

PUBLICATIONS DISTRIBUTION SERVICES (PDS). Programming efforts and a configuration for a replacement computer system are near completion and were provided to PDS. Details on implementation of the new hardware and software are being finalized, and the new system should be operational in January 1994. The new application was written in the (Microsoft) Windows version of FoxPro.

The monthly process used to extract detail and summary information on packages mailed from PDS was improved

dramatically. This manual operation once required one full day each month to produce detailed reports sent to each Member office. By automating the process, the time was reduced to minutes, and the quality and appearance of the report has proved far superior to the old report.


U.S. CODE (CD-ROM). In cooperation with the Office of the Law
Revision Counsel (LRC), the Government Printing Office (GPO), and
Personal Library Software (PLS), Inc., the first U.S. Code CD-ROM
was produced in December 1992. It was well received in the legal
community and in the legal press. It contains over 30,000 pages
of information and was sold through GPO for $30 (GPO sells the
hard-bound edition of the U.S. Code for over $1,200 per set).
The first pressing (1,048 copies) sold out in five weeks, and the
second pressing (1,300 copies) sold out in June 1993.
Collaborating with LRC, GPO, and PLS, the second edition of the
U.S. Code CD-ROM covering all Federal laws of a general and
permanent nature in effect on January 2, 1992, was produced.
was made available to the public in October 1993.


OTHER LEGAL SUPPORT. In FY 93, 11,161 Legal Retrieval Autotracking Service reports were generated; 475 consultations, demonstrations, and training sessions of the legal support systems were provided to Congressional, Federal, and foreign country staff; and 72 research projects on legal, legislative, and historical topics for Congressional staff were conducted.


H.I.S. developed and maintains a system for the Official Reporters that tracks reports as they are recorded and transcribed as official testimony. It allows for entries to reflect reports transcribed by outside vendors (as is sometimes needed for hearings held outside of the Washington, D.C. area), tracking due dates and late penalties if contract vendors miss deadlines.

OFFICE OF NON-LEGISLATIVE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (FMS). During the past year, there was user testing of the payroll portions of the new FMS system. All the payroll counselors in the Finance office now can enter their entire workloads into the new system, and produce complete and accurate regular and supplemental payrolls. An extract from the FMS system was used to generate House employee IDs for the 103d Congress.

Successful tests of the Federal and State tax checks, garnishment checks, charitable contribution checks, and Office of Personnel Management (OPM) transfers for health and life insurance, and retirement were accomplished. Numerous performance improvements were made, reducing monthly payroll processing by 50%.

The Leave-Without-Pay and Furlough process was installed to comply with Finance Office rules and reporting requirements. Development of the Payroll Adjustment subsystem, which includes unscheduled payroll and overtime processing, was completed and is currently in test by the Finance Office. Support of the existing Payroll and Voucher payment systems continued. A pilot project to test the usefulness of archiving vouchers to CD-ROM was very successful. The Finance Office has requested a total replacement of both voucher and payroll records on microfilm with CD-ROM.

Because FMS is one of the critical House applications, both the H.I.S. programmers and the Finance Office were involved in the implementation of a Disaster Recovery plan provided by the H.I.S. Computer Center. H.I.S. generated new files and reports on behalf of the Finance Office during GAO's annual audit.

HOUSE RESTAURANT. H.I.S. provided assistance with building interfaces between the Restaurant and the FMS payroll systems. Work was completed on the W2 programs for the Restaurant and the Finance Office, as two W2's will be created for each employee for this year. Work was also completed on the Clerk's report extract, and a tape was produced that will be appended to the FMS

Clerk report data. Inventory worksheets were generated for each unit, and worksheet files were converted to an inventory system.

DEPARTMENT OF OFFICE FURNISHINGS (DOF). Old furniture, carpet, and drapes, no longer in use by the House, are often shipped to GSA. In the past, this manual process was controlled by DOF personnel. New software developed this year allows users to select item names from the DOF inventory for shipment to GSA. In addition, descriptions of selected items can be viewed together, combined into shipments, printed as transmittal documents, and maintained as shipment histories. The Star warehouse was split into two entities to allow the DOF staff to locate a specific piece of furniture more quickly.

OFFICE SUPPLY SERVICE (OSS). The requirements analysis for a new OSS system was completed. H.I.S. recommended that ProVar, a computer systems integrator located in Baltimore, be awarded the contract, and the Director of Non-Legislative and Financial Services concurred. The new system will be operational in January, 1994.

OFFICE SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT (OSM). Development and unit testing of the entire OSM system is nearly complete. Validation of the entire system has begun. It will provide imaging, work-inprocess functionality, and increased capabilities. The integration of Rumba PC communications software and ViewStar created a seamless interface between the new system and the imaging capabilities provided by ViewStar. The Monarch barcode system was integrated and tested within the new OSM.

Specialized software was developed to allow outgoing Members to complete district purchases. Beginning in October 1993, OSM software will be moved to production status. Changes were made to OSM so that FY 92 funds could be charged against the same Member account after redistricting.

HOUSE BEAUTY SALON. The Salon system was modified so that the Beauty Shop can begin to use its computer system to manage inventory, sales, money, and audit controls. The system also provides an automated report function. In addition, the application was migrated to the Windows (FoxPro) platform. Extensive redesign of the screens and functionality was completed.

SERGEANT AT ARMS. A task group chaired by H.I.S. staff participated with personnel from the U.S. Senate, Architect, Library of Congress, and the Capitol Police provided the Sergeant at Arms with a recommendation for the procurement of an ID-Badging/Access-Control system for the U.S. House of Representatives. Further integration will be planned between all Capitol-Hill agencies. H.I.S. also assisted this office with

the printing of 103d Congress identification cards.

H.I.S. provides a system for the entry of payroll deduction records used in the production of Member Payroll. Additionally, H.I.S. provides a system to report treasury check information for Member Payroll.


CD-ROM. H.I.S. procured a CD-ROM tower, consisting of a CD server and 21 individual CD-ROM drives accessible to offices across the Ethernet backbone. Applications on the tower include the U.S. Code, computer-related research, a national telephone lookup databases, mainframe documentation, census data, grants information, and technical support information. We collaborated with the JCP on recording the U.S. Code and other legal and legislative databases on CD-ROMs.

A demonstration of Banking Committee Hearings on CD-ROM was provided to the Joint Committee on Printing. Other House applications included the archival of historical House vouchers on CD-ROM. In 1994, the Finance Office and OTS will begin receiving data on CD-ROM.

IMAGING. H.I.S. continued to investigate imaging applications including standalone and networked document imaging, as well as image-enabling existing applications. Implementation of FDDI will provide the bandwidth needed to support House imaging applications as they are developed and delivered. H.I.S. assisted the House Placement Office and the House Press Gallery with implementation of their Papergate Document Imaging Systems. MULTIMEDIA. A functional touch-screen prototype demonstration information system was completed, using the services of H.I.S., the House Recording Studio, the Library of Congress Audio/Visual Unit, and the Office of Special Services in the Capitol. The House Historian is also interested in participating in this project. This prototype was designed to enable users to find information about their respective Members. A committee module shows the jurisdiction and members of each committee. A video tour of the Capitol uses video clips to educate visitors about various areas in the Capitol. This module is especially valuable for senior citizens or the physically challenged who might not be able to take the standard walking tour.

BAR-CODE TECHNOLOGY. H.I.S. assisted the Department of Office Furnishings in implementing a bar-coding system for improved inventory control. The new Office Systems Management application further embraces bar-code technology by integrating the bar-code as a means of equipment identification and inventory control. The Sergeant At Arms' ID-Badging system can also utilize barcoding for parking control and verification.

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