COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF NEW BUDGET (OBLIGATIONAL) AUTHORITY FOR 1994 AND THE BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR 1995-Continued [Excludes Senate Items and Items under Architect of the Capitol for the Senate] Agency and item (1) Books for the blind and physically handicapped, salaries and expenses... Furniture and furnishings...... Total, Library of Congress (except CRS)......... ..... 29,082,000 33,900,000 +4,818,000 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF NEW BUDGET (OBLIGATIONAL) AUTHORITY FOR 1994 AND THE BUDGET SCHEDULE B-1 MASTER-HOUSE TITLE I - CONGRESSIONAL OPERATIONS House of Representatives... Joint Items... Office of Technology Assessment... ESTIMATES FOR 1995–Continued [Excludes Senate Items and Items under Architect of the Capitol for the Senate) Botanic Garden.... Library of Congress (except CRS)...... Architect of the Capitol (Library buildings and grounds).... Copyright Royalty Tribunal... Government Printing Office (except congressional printing and binding)..... General Accounting Office... Total, title II, Other agencies........ Grand total.... |